Hi Velamaites,
Past few months i was busy and couldn't update the list of velamas. Finally i could get some time do the update on the site. So here you go.
Please note that some of the names might be similar to other castes or other sub sects because of the ancient formation of castes and their surnames in our andhra pradesh. However, I am adding the collected information from our other velamaites.
1 Lalam
2 Abbireddi\ Abbireddy
3 Achineni
4 Adhini\ Adini
5 Adina
6 Adireddy
7 Aettepu
8 Ailneni
9 Akkyapatti
10 Akunuri
11 Alamuru
12 Alapati
13 Alladi
14 Allala
15 Allamneni
16 Alleni
17 Allu
18 Aluri
19 Amaranayani
20 Ankala
21 Annamaneni
22 Annepalli
23 Antyogari
24 Anugu
25 Arava
26 Arnepalli
27 Arrabelli
28 Arshanapalli
29 Arvelli
30 Avuguddi
31 Ayinala
32 Baanna
33 Bachu
34 Bachupalli
35 Balaga
36 Balamuri\ Balmuri
37 Balmuru
38 Banala
39 Bandaru
40 Bankuru
41 Battu
42 Bejjanki
43 Bella
44 Bellamkonda
45 Betanapalli
46 Bhankur
47 Bheta
48 Bhojou
49 Bhommineni
50 Bhoomireddy
51 Bhoori
52 Bierneni
53 Billakanti
54 Biyyala
55 Bobbili
56 Boddu
57 Bodhanki
58 Boinapally\ Boinapalli
59 Boindala
60 Bommena
61 Bompalli
62 Bonepalli
63 Bongu
64 Bontha
65 Bonu
66 Bora
67 Botcha
68 Bovindala
69 Boyapalli
70 Boyenpally\ Boyenpalli
71 Buddineni\ Buddhineni
72 Bullampalli
73 Canakapalli
74 Chalimeda
75 Challa
76 Charlopalli
77 Charugalla
78 Cheeti
79 Chelikani
80 Chennadi
81 Chennamaneni
82 Chepurupalli
83 Chepyala
84 Cherukutota
85 Chikkala
86 Chilambi
87 Chintakayala\ Chinthakayala
88 Chintapelli
89 Chinthala
90 Chinthapalli
91 Chinthapatla
92 Chitneni
93 Chityala
94 Chokkakula
95 Choudari
96 Cittineni
97 Coppisetty
98 Culli
99 Daggu
100 Damera Inugala
101 Dasari
102 Dasri
103 Datti
104 Derverkonda
105 Deshineni
106 Devulapalli
107 Dhaddanala
108 Dhannamaneni
109 Dhannapuneni
110 Dharanipathi
111 Dharmana
112 Dharshireddy
113 Dhasunulla
114 Dhonthineni
115 Dokala
116 Donakanti
117 Donka
118 Dontineni
119 Doreti
120 Doyaneni
121 Dubbireddi
122 Dugga
123 Duggirala
124 Durshanapalli
125 Eardandi
126 Earla
127 Edipalli
128 Eedupalli
129 Eerlu
130 Emmaneni
131 Enuganti
132 Eravelli
133 Errabachu
134 Errabelli
135 Erraguntla
136 Erramapalli
137 Euri
138 Gaade
139 Gadhe
140 Gandi
141 Gandra
142 Gangavalli
143 Ganivada
144 Ganna
145 Gannamaneni
146 Gedhala
147 Gollangi Nagula
148 Gollu
149 Gona
150 Gorankula
151 Gorlle
152 Gorlu
153 Gorrela
154 Gorripati
155 Gottipulla
156 Govardhanagiri
157 Gujja
158 Gulla
159 Gullipalli
160 Gumadam
161 Gundala
162 Gundapuneni
163 Gundavarapuy
164 Gunuganti
165 Hamsaneni
166 Immaneni
167 Inala
168 Inavolu
169 Iyanavolu
170 Iynala
171 Jadapalli
172 Jakileti
173 Jalagam
174 Janagama
175 Jarugulla
176 Joginapalli\ Joginapally
177 Jogineni
178 Julapalli
179 Jupalli\ Jupally
180 Juvvadi
181 Kaalla
182 Kadamana
183 Kadari
184 Kakulamarri
185 Kalakanda
186 Kalakonda\ Kalkonda
187 Kalakuntla
188 Kallepu
189 Kalvakuntla
190 Kamalumpundi
191 Kanaparthi
192 Kandhimalla
193 Kankanalapalli
194 Karaka
195 Karangula
196 Karimilla
197 Karri
198 Kasireddi\ Kasireddy
199 Kasthala
200 Kasuganti
201 Katari
202 Katarivaru
203 Katikaneni
204 Kattar
205 Kesaani
206 Keshu
207 Killada
208 Kinjarapu
209 Kinjavarapu
210 Kinninti
211 Kocherlakota
212 Kodati
213 Kodi
214 Koka
215 Kokkirala
216 Kolli
217 Koluguri
218 Kondapalli
219 Kondhati
220 Koochadi
221 Koondrapu
222 Koppisetty\ Koppisetti
223 Korikani
224 Koripalli
225 Korukanti
226 Korupolu
227 Kota
228 Kotagiri
229 Kothimbakkam
230 Krishnamaneni
231 Kumaraiahgari
232 Kundrapu
233 Kunuku
234 Kurumailla
235 Kuturuguntla
236 Lakkamaneni
237 Lalam
238 Lemati
239 Lingampelli
240 Maadaneni
241 Machavarapu
242 Machineni
243 Madadi
244 Madavaneni
245 Madhampati
246 Madhavaram
247 Madhavarapu
248 MadhavaReddy
249 Madicherla
250 Madipalli
251 Madireddy
252 Maguluri
253 Mailaneni
254 Maineni
255 Makarla
256 Makkapati
257 Mallareddy
258 Mallela
259 Malraj
260 Manikonda
261 Manthani
262 Marada
263 Maradani
264 Marakani
265 Marisharla
266 Markani
267 Marpina
268 Marrapu
269 Marru
270 Marthineni\ Martineni
271 Maruneni
272 Mattapalli\ Mattapelli
273 Medavarapu
274 Meedi
275 Meka
276 Menneni
277 Merrellavaru
278 Mesineni
279 Metpally
280 Midatana
281 Miriyala\ Miryala Viriyala
282 Mogilineni
283 Mogilisetti
284 Mokarala
285 Molugu
286 Moravineni
287 Mottupalli
288 Muddada
289 Mudedla
290 Mugilisetty
291 Mukala
292 Mukki
293 Munugala\Munagala
294 Muppala
295 Muppaneni
296 Musunooru
297 Muthineni
298 Naagulla
299 Nadimipalli
300 Nadipally\ Nadipalli\ Nadipelly\ Nadipelli
301 Naggireddy
302 Nagineni
303 Naineni
304 Nakkella
305 Nallaguntla
306 Nama
307 Nangireddi\ Nangireddy
308 Nanisetty
309 Navudu
310 Nayani\ Nayini
311 Neelagiri
312 Nelavelli
313 Nemarugommula
314 Nemmadi
315 Nemmani
316 Neredukomma
317 Nimmaneni
318 Nirudyogi
319 Obulareddy
320 Odapalli
321 Pagdimarri
322 Paila
323 Pakala
324 Pakanati
325 Palati
326 Palatla
327 Pallepati
328 Palli
329 Pamani
330 Pamera
331 Pamujula
332 Pamulapati
333 Panagari
334 Panchaneni
335 Panga
336 Panuganti
337 Papineni
338 Pappala
339 Parimi
340 Parkal
341 Parvathagiri
342 Pashala \ Pasala
343 Payani
344 Peddinti\ Peddinty\ Peddhinti\ Pedhinty
345 Peddireddy\ Peddireddi
346 Pedhinty
347 Peechara
348 Pendyala
349 Penta
350 Perala
351 Perugupalli
352 Phoshambaka
353 Pillarisetty\ Pillarisetti
354 Pinninti
355 Pochaneni
356 Pokala
357 Polasani\ Polsani
358 Polineni
359 Polipireddy
360 Polkampalli
361 Polurvaru
362 Ponnala
363 Ponnamaneni
364 Ponnana
365 Ponugoti
366 Poosaalaa
367 Poosali
368 Pooturuguntla
369 Porli
370 Porthi
371 Pothala
372 Pothuganti
373 Potlapalli
374 Pudi
375 Pullur\ Pulluri\ Pulluru
376 Puppuganti
377 Puskuru
378 Pyla
379 Raajana
380 Rajanala
381 Rajineni
382 Ramagiri
383 Randhi
384 Rangineni
385 Ravaada
386 Rayapuraju
387 Rayavarapu
388 Reddy
389 Regulapati
390 Retneni
391 Reuri
392 Revilla
393 Rokandla
394 Rongala
395 Rongali
396 Routu
397 Sabbam
398 Sabbarapu
399 Sagi
400 Salumuri
401 Sambangi
402 Samineni
403 Samireddy\ Samireddi
404 Sampalli
405 Samudrala
406 Sankineni
407 Sankuranthi
408 Sannagiri
409 Sannepalli
410 Saridena
411 Seera Nagula
412 Seereddi
413 Seethamsetty\ seethamsetti
414 Shettipalli
415 Shiraparapu
416 Singireddi
417 Sirapa
418 Sirapu
419 Siriki
420 Sirikonda
421 Siripurapu
422 Somisetti
423 Srineni
424 Subbavarapu
425 Surabhi
426 Suraneni
427 Sureddy
428 Tai
429 Takkallapalli
430 Tallapalli
431 Tamarana
432 Tandra\ Thandra
433 Tanneru\ Tanner
434 Tayi\ Thayi
435 Teegala
436 Telaganeni
437 Thaniparthi Nalavelli
438 Thatiguntla
439 Thentu
440 Thopcherla
441 Thopcherneni
442 Thudi
443 Thummuru
444 Thumula\ Tumula
445 Tipparthy
446 Tirupathi
447 Totthara
448 Tottidi
449 Vabhineni
450 Vadapalli
451 Vaddepalli
452 Vadlamani
453 Vaka
454 Vala
455 Vallapuneni
456 Vanagapalli
457 Vangapally
458 Vangapandu
459 Varanasi
460 Vardineni\ Vardhineni
461 Varri
462 Vasantha
463 Vasireddy
464 Vedullapalli
465 Veeramaneni
466 Vegireddy
467 Velchala
468 Veldi
469 Velgala
470 Vellanki
471 Velugoti
472 Vemali
473 Vemula
474 Venepalli
475 Vennamaneni
476 Vidyala
477 Voora
478 Voruganti
479 Vujjaini
480 Vummadisingu
481 Vungata
482 Vusirikapalli
483 Yachamaneni
484 Yadagiri
485 Yadrapu
486 Yadulla\ Yedulla
487 Yalla
488 Yedla
489 Yeduresi
490 Yennamaneni
491 Yerravalli
492 Yettapu
493 amaravadi
494 Athmakuru
495 Bollampalli
496 Bollineni
497 chenchala
498 Chennamaneni
499 Chitikela
501 gavireddy
503 govada
505 Immaneni,
506 jaladanki
507 Kalla
508 Kamadani
509 Kanjarla
510 kethireddy
511 Kirla
512 Kusireddy
513 Lemati,
514 macha
515 Mamillapalli
516 mamindlapally
517 maradana
519 muchintala
521 narakula
523 padakanti
524 Pelluru
526 Pinniti
527 pragada
528 Rangineni
529 RAVU
530 Ruthala
531 Sappa
533 sudati
534 Sureddy
535 thotapalli
536 Vaddhi,
537 vallaturu
538 vangapandu
541 Vechalapu
542 velamala
543 velineni
544 veluguleti
545 Vemireddy
546 vissamsetti
548 Yasalapu
hi,guys I want to add JAMI to the list of surnames as I am a Velama.
ReplyDeletethis is J.Sarita Chakravarthy from hyderabad.
Hi.... this is NARAYANA MURTHY. my surname is LOKAVARAPU and i belongs to velama caste... so please add the surname to velama association
Deletehi.... this is karthik. my surname is bamala and i belongs to velama caste... so please add the surname to velama association.
ReplyDeleteHi.... this is NARAYANA MURTHY. my surname is LOKAVARAPU and i belongs to velama caste... so please add the surname to velama association
Deletehi iam George jagannadh dogga. iam a velama of kottavalasa mandal of vizianagaram district. please add my surname in the list as dogga
ReplyDeletePlz add KALAVAKOLLU to the surenames of Velama
ReplyDeletenow n then we r the rulers...............
ReplyDeletehai am RAMESH.add BOBBILI nd PETLA
Deletevennela,jagarapu need to be added to list
ReplyDeleteHi..., even SIDDURI also missed please update...,
ReplyDeletehi.... this is karthik. my surname is bamala and i belongs to velama caste... so please add the surname to velama association.
ReplyDeleteHi this is Rakesh Madgula
ReplyDeletePlease ad my surname in Velma surname list- Padma nayaka
Hi this is nageshwar rao kondadi ( belongs to padmanayaka )
ReplyDeletePlease add my surname "KONDADI" in velama surnames list..
Nageshwar Rao Kondadi
Hi Boss,
ReplyDeleteAdd "TELUGU" surname in the list.
Tulasi Bora
ReplyDeletehi..this is Guntreddi Anantha Naidu from bobbili belongs to koppala velama caste.please add these surnames GUNTREDDI,CHUKKALA,KARRI,JAKKU,GONGADA,BANKAPALLI.
ReplyDeleteHi this is Thirupathi Rao I belong to velama cast please add my surname KASARAPU to the list.
ReplyDeletehi this is jagadeeshwar add Nagavaram also
ReplyDeleteHi This is Ajay Kumar Gunuru.Please add GUNURU also.......
ReplyDeletehi.... this is karthik. my surname is "bamala" and i belongs to velama caste... so please add the surname to velama association.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehey this is Vamsi Krishna.Chokkapu and i belong to velma caste. please add CHOKKAPU in that list
ReplyDeleteHi dis is GURU parvatheesam, my sir name was guru and I am also velama cast plz add guru to the list
ReplyDeletehey this is konda babu iam also belongs to koppula velama cast plz add my sure name and some of this also.
ReplyDeleteHi Friends,
ReplyDeletePlease add Kirla to the surname list. I belong to koppula velama caste.
My name is Ashok Kumar Kirla from Krishna Dist
MEDAPUREDDY & CHOKKAKULA also come under KV's.. plz do update..thank u
ReplyDeletelekkala & bheemireddy also comes under kv's
ReplyDeletei belongs to Velama, Is Velama belongs to Bc? sc? or oc?
ReplyDeleteHalf of these surnames doesn't belong to velama caste. Surnames like pokala etc. belong to kamma and kapu castes.
ReplyDeletePokala surname belong to aid velama also. Lot of surnames are common among different communities. For example gorle, bandaru, dasari are common to many communities.
ReplyDeleteI meant pokala belongs to Adi velama.
ReplyDeleteHi, this is venkata Rao Vantaku from BC D Velama plz Add this surname? Lot of confusion how many velam communities are there?
ReplyDeletegreat job u hve done thanq
ReplyDeletehi... please add CHOKKAPU to the surnamesof koppula velama..
ReplyDeleteIts a major group from Vizianagaram District.
hi DODDI is a surname of velama pls add it
ReplyDeletehii borther this is anand. my surname is "AMBATI". Please add this on surnames list..
ReplyDeletehi bro am lohith some of the sur names i know is missing
ReplyDeletelike 1) Avirineni
2) Dugyala
Hi, iam manasa palepu, PALEPU/PALEP belongs to padmanayaka velma's
ReplyDeleteand i couldn't find our surname in the list please add our surname
PALEPU/PALEP to the list
Hi Boss , update my surname "challagonda" from kollapur ,mahabubnagar dist
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehi update my Surname "RACHAKONDA" from Adilabad Dist
ReplyDeletesee the list of Velama's
hi friends my name is satya subrahmanyam my surname rajana/rajani(koppula velama& velama)
ReplyDeleteplz contact any rajana's surname people s" my contact id pamdu123@gmail.com or subrahmanyamrajana@gmail.com or smilesnetcaf@gmail.com plz contact relatives (rajana/rajani)
my grand father name is rajana/rajani yarranna
Hi friends,
ReplyDeleteMy surname is Gottapu. Please add the same in the list.
Murali Krishna.
hi, myname is praveen my surname is "CHAPPA" belongs to kv"s please update,from Gudiavda.krishna Dist.
ReplyDeleteAdd "mavillapalli" to the surname list. thanks.
ReplyDeletehi friends my name is sathwik rao......... my surname is 'RACHAKONDA ' plz kindly request to update in the list
hi this is CHEERA RAO SRINIVAS From hyd......my surename is 'CHEERA'.
ReplyDeleteHope admin will update this...thanqqq
Hi friends my name is upendra hari nayudu i am also velama my sur name"SIMMA" please list this name
ReplyDeleteHi Admin, Please add "BOLEM" and "RUTTHALA" , both Surnames. I am Prem Srawan Bolem.
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ReplyDeletehi, this is siva sankar. my surname is konduru and i belongs to velama (Padmanayaka) caste... so please add the surname to velama association.
ReplyDeletehi this is konduru siva kumar naidu .konduru and i belongs to velama (padmanayaka)
Deletecaste so please add the surname to velama association. my cell no 9704435536
hi I want to add MERAPLA to the list of surnames as I am a Velama.
ReplyDeletethis is M SATISH from ANNAVARAM.
Screw velamas....They are always near the feet of Reddys.....They should work for Reddys as slaves.....They are useless hypocrites just having money but no brain...It is quite evident in hyderabad...I refer to a family which is senseless but I love someone from that...........
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMundhu mi jathendo telusukora mustina koddaka
DeleteMa history telusukovalante mundhu bobbili and palanadu cheritra telusukora mustinakodaka
Historylo okka yudhamina chesara meeru yeppudu pakanodi modha kudisi bathikinollura meeru
Pandi mudirithe yenugavadhura mustinakodaka
Inkosari xtralu chesavante savadhengutham ra buradhana kodakka
hai this is amaranayani ajay thanks for creating this blog...nice blog for us...
ReplyDeletehai this is karunakar maradani plz add some more surnames of koppulavelama in the list
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteplease add my surname in VELAMA surname list of koppula velama
ReplyDeleteplease add my surnames i.e VARRE and KILAPARTHI and RAMBA
ReplyDeleteplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz add my surname darimireddy my name is bharat
ReplyDeletehi friends my name is simma upendra i am also velama please add my sir name SIMMA
ReplyDeletepadmanayaka velama:-
Hi my name is hari krishna i am also velama my surname madugula please list this name
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Bharath iam belongs to velama my surname is kunuku plz add this to our list
ReplyDeleteHey not nirudyogi it's nirujogi
ReplyDeletehai add Nadiminti{koppula velama}
ReplyDeleteAdd "Kommireddy/Kommireddi" to the surname list. thanks.
ReplyDeleteAdd "Dungala" to the surname list. thanks.
ReplyDeleteanna namsthey... chappa evariki istharu.. oka sari bobbili randi main vi vadilesthara...c'mon..
ReplyDelete''CHAPPA'' add dis one too broskis.......
ReplyDeleteHI SIMMA is also surname of velama(polinati velama)srikakulam,A.P
ReplyDeleteThis is Bharath kumar From Karimnagar
ReplyDeleteOur Sur Name Is "GOURNENI"(Padmanayaka velma's) Please Update it
This is Dr Varaprasad from Vizag. Our surname is Kommineni(Koppula Velama) please update it.
ReplyDeleteHi this is karthik. Our surname is "bamala". Please add this surname.....
ReplyDeleteProud to be "VELAMA"
i am murali. Belongs to Adi velama. Plz add my surname also. That is YARRAM
ReplyDeletehii i am modi.harsha belongs to koppula velama.add surnames of MODI,GORJI,
ReplyDeleteAdd "cheemaladinne" to the surname list. thanks.
ReplyDeleteiam palla . srinivas rao belongs to koppulavelama , my surname is palla please update it.
hi this yerramnaidu could please add my intial Panchireddy
ReplyDeletehi i m sai from wg dist..enter my sirname medapareddy
ReplyDeletethis is murty from london(native place is Visakhapatnam dist)
my surname is BOLEM
pls add my surname into the list
DeleteChinababu from Bangalore
I am also same cast ,my surname is LOKAVARAPU
(native place is NARSIPATNAM in Visakhapatnam dist)
my fb id:https://www.facebook.com/NM.Lokavarapu/info?collection_token=100001658809654%3A2327158227%3A8
hi frnds iam tanna teja frm krishna dist, add my surname in the list TANNA
ReplyDeletehi friend my sur name vanjala add me i m also koppula velama....gud job
ReplyDeletehi this is naveen kumar from khammam.Our surname is "AMARAVARAPU" belongs to "PADMANAYAKA VELAMA".So plz update this surname also.........
ReplyDeletehii friends iam hanoop 4rm karimnagar dist. my surname is "MAHESH" belongs to "padmanayaka velma"..update dis surname too..:)
ReplyDeletelasmaiya harish rao nd wanna inf u dat 2 add my surname 2 the list and iam from medak
ReplyDeletei am not sure polipireddy but i am sure, potipireddy belongs velama
I am Sure polipireddy & potipireddy is not Corrrect
DeletePODIPIREDDY is Correct one belongs velama
hai.this is gopalkrishna from naidupet.nellore.dt.my surname is pennepalli so plz update this surname
ReplyDeletehi this is hari prasad (mathineni) please can any one please tell under which category does my surname comes under i only know that am velama please send me reply
ReplyDeleteadd DUGYALA...
ReplyDeleteHi ,I am Neamaala Anantha Bala krishna Rao belongs to padmanayaka velama from Velamavaripalem ,Nagaram mandal,Guntur dist, with Sannagiri gothram .
ReplyDeleteHi friends this is R Prabhu kumar, RAGALA belongs to koppula velama please add this surname to list.
ReplyDeleteadd patlori......
ReplyDeleteKarnati also
ReplyDeleteAmaravarapu also missed.just add that.
ReplyDeletehi velama friends please add my sur name SIMMA
ReplyDeletehai my name is sreenivas please add my surname chalapareddy
ReplyDeletehai i m chandini ghanta please add my surname "GHANTA" belongs to koppula velama
ReplyDeletehai i am lavanya ambati please add my surname "AMBATI" belongs to koppula velama
ReplyDeletehai im varaha anil gudaparthi add my surname @GUDAPARTHI@ belongs to koppula velama
ReplyDeletechappa sur name need to be added
ReplyDeleteHai i m koyyana venkata krishn
a add my facebook kv krishna
golivi to be added
ReplyDeletehai dis is SATISH KUMAR.MARIPI I AM ALSO VELAMA cast plz add my sur name
ReplyDeletehi this bharath darimireddi belongs to koppula velama plz add my sur name
ReplyDeletemy name is gopalakrishna.nellore district.please added sur name pennepalli. thank u
ReplyDeletepls add this surname 'Vobbalareddy' ,visakhapatnam district
ReplyDeleteadd thie surname "SINGAMPALLI", esatgodavari district
ReplyDeleteadd surnames vardelli and malayala
ReplyDeletechappa edi ra gandu
ReplyDeleteLingala is a very prominent velama surname in the Telanga region
ReplyDeletePlease ADD Nooli to the List I am Telangana Region
ReplyDeletehey plz update.......... POLA......iam koppula velmas
ReplyDeleteplz update surname....POLA.... iam koppula velamas
ReplyDeleteupdate surname POLATI
add-----(Nethinti). gothram----------(Nagula)
ReplyDeletePlease add surname Landa to the list, we are Polinati Velamas from Srikakulam
Surya Kanishka
Hi Relatives, not found " Maduri " sure name in list.. Gothram " Dasulori "..
ReplyDeletepls add KOLLURU is most powerfull cast
ReplyDeleteI am shreedhar naidu. Please add " VIPPALA GOTHRAM "
ReplyDeleteHi ... Plese update the surname SINGAMPALLI ....
ReplyDeletehi this murthy vantaku from koppulavelama , pls update my surname as VANTAKU ( from viskapatnam)
ReplyDeletehey how ever made this page change the spelling of kattar (which is listed as 204) to katar
ReplyDeleteHi ,this is Anvesh Kumar Gali, from Visakhapatnam. I request you to add my surname GALI.....
ReplyDelete"Rambha" is my Surname..
ReplyDeleteHi i would like to know gothra of Surname named "Cherukuthots as we belongs to Koppula Velma
ReplyDeleteHi i would like to know gothra of Surname named "Cherukuthota" as we belongs to Koppula Velma and add our surname in Koppula Velama List
ReplyDeleteAdd surname of "Ganjilenka" as it belongs to Koppula Velama List
ReplyDeleteamaravadi sur name need to be added
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehie admin plz add my surname " Musinipalli " in our group....:-)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteplz entere my surname NETHINTI
ReplyDeleteI am g sridhar pls add my surname
this is thangi chiranjeevi (pollinati velama)and sadu add these two to this community.
ReplyDeletePls enter surnames along with gothras
ReplyDeletehello sir, wat is this.... without "GOLIVE" sir name.... list is looks like incomplete.
ReplyDeletefirst include this in the list.
vaikuntapu surname is also k.velama surname
ReplyDeleteHai i am srinivas. Goddu. Iam also velama of srikakulam. Please add polinativelama surnames
please add padmanayaka velama surname JAKKARAJU
ReplyDeletehai guys my name nowdu hari babu from hyderabad
ReplyDeletemy surname is somebody write nowdu somebody write noudu 2 words is correct somebody laugudu also correct
ReplyDeletehi , "vantakula" is also from velama caste surnames.
ReplyDeletehi guy's my name is santhosh of velamas caste,my surname is vuthppala please add it
ReplyDeleteMy name is DEVI VARA PRASAD PIRLA....Pls add PIRLA to the list.....no discrimination among our sub castes......
ReplyDeletehey admin iam vinod rao yelleni.....plz add YELLENI as a surname
ReplyDeleteUpdate 'Ravada' also in this list.. :)
ReplyDeleteUpdate this name in this list
ReplyDeleteUpdate this name in this list
Hi Velamaites,
ReplyDeleteIn this List Your Posted Surenames polipireddy & potipireddy is not Corrrect
PODIPIREDDY is Correct one belongs velama
hey update the surname UPPUGANTI into the list
ReplyDeleteIt's MARADANA not MARADANI. Please update.
ReplyDeleteIt's MARADANA not MARADANI. Please update.
ReplyDeleteuseless to inform on this blog. it seem to be updated regularly
ReplyDeletemy surname is jakkaraju from Karimnagar dist. i informed to add in nov 2014. no update yet
hiii admin Pls Add MOTAPOTHU in M an we belongs to ADIVELAMA
ReplyDeletePls Update Our S name Also Add "GOURINENI"belongs to padmanayaka velama.
ReplyDeleteHi Admin please add my surname also "GANGUNENI" I am belongs to velama
ReplyDeleteplz entere my surname NAGUDU
ReplyDelete"BOMMI" you missed it out
ReplyDeletealso "GANTA"
ReplyDeletesurname: santhapuri gothram: alavalli is also to be add.
ReplyDeletealso vaikuntapu
ReplyDeleteFor prime properties Approved Plots Flats Villas houses in Nellore Tirupati Vijayawada Vizag and Chennai Visit www.nivasproperties.com Cell 7416974199 9347817389
ReplyDeleteplease add madireddy
ReplyDeleteHIIiiiiiii i am chaitanya iam also velama please add my sur name MANDALA
ReplyDeleteHi, i am belongs to Velama and add our surname "Bankapalli" in Koppula Velama List.
ReplyDeletehi na peru PADIDELA SWAROCHISH RAO .belonging to velma please enter my surname "PADIDELA"
ReplyDeletehi am all so Velma's my sureneme is ramachandrapu add cheyandi
ReplyDeletehi am all so Velma's my sureneme is ramachandrapu add cheyandi
ReplyDeleteMy name is sahithi. Iam from karimnagar nd belongs to velama.My surname is banda.please add it
ReplyDeletehi,guys I want to add Vobbalareddy to the list of surnames as I am a Velama.
ReplyDeletethis is V. Nani from visakhapatnam.
Hi guys I am Velama our Surname is "RAMBHA" this surname know maximum member in our caste but not in this list so, please Add this also. Very Very thanks for you, because of try to our caste all surnames collected.
ReplyDeleteThanks & Regards
Hi guys I am Velama our Surname is "RAMBHA" this surname know maximum member in our caste but not in this list so, please Add this also. Very Very thanks for you, because of try to our caste all surnames collected.
ReplyDeleteThanks & Regards
Varudu Baggu tangi gunda muddada panga chenchali, simma,yaalla,challa,kinjarapu,kondati,menda,Chinnala,gondu,goddhu,dharmana,pagoti,ponnana,ponnala,vandaana,gollangi, byre are some polinaati velama surnames
ReplyDeleteDunga also
DeleteDunga also
DeletePlz add GUDIBANDA surname,SAMANTHULA gotram and the subcaste is RACHA VELAMA
ReplyDeletePlz add GUDIBANDA surname,SAMANTHULA gotram and the subcaste is RACHA VELAMA
ReplyDeletePlz add GADI in the list
ReplyDeletehi..pls tell me which caste does the surname realvansh belong to?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease add Poladi
ReplyDeletePlease add Poladi
ReplyDeleteI'm Velama padmanayaka.home town karimnagar.please add Surname:POLADI
I'm Velama padmanayaka.home town karimnagar.please add Surname:POLADI
Pls add Ghanta